Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Basic Overview for our Project (main one)

Our idea is to create a fantasy 3D environment using historical structures based on indigenous extinct civilisations. We want to focus on the visual and design aspect of this project. The environment is extinct but has evolved over thousands of years.

Civilisations such as;


Ancient Egyptian

We wanted to loosely base our environment on an extinct civilisation because that way it has historical believability within the environment and we still have creative freedom to change up the designs and put our own style in it. The time period is set more towards the future.

We also have a little narrative of a lost soul that is wondering the environment, going through interiors etc so it will create nice lightning within the environment. 

The camera will follow the lost soul venturing through to display the mysterious unknown environment. We will mix and fuse cultural  designs to create new unique structures that will infuse with the environment. We also want to add a more modern twist so a few modern elements such as sci- fi inspired features.

Alternate concept is that time has not reached this place, this creates a surrealist look where everything has stopped mid action. So the lost soul is travelling through this time neglected environment which creates a sense surrealism.